Anthony Falcone (@afalcone4) - “Education Connection Commercial Jingle”[Video]

My Celebrity Crush: The Education Connection Girl

I’m here today to tell you about Education Connection. Not because I advocate going to school online while wearing your PJs, but because the TV commercial is wonderfully cheesy. Even though it’s over two years old, almost weekly I watch this nameless girl sing (and rap) about how getting a degree will net her a bigger income. It’s got color changes, costumes, and some wicked dance moves.

My affection for this girl is twofold. You can’t help but root for her on-screen persona, the waitress with big dreams of the music business (I’m guessing from the ketchup and mustard bottles rotating on the turntable). But then you have to give props to the actress who’s willing to rap out this silly song with such conviction.

The first bit, where she sheepishly admits that being a waitress just ain’t cutting it, has her beginning to get into her groove.
This might be my favorite part, because of the enunication (“When-I-get-my-DE-gree-I-will-MAKE-a-BIG-ger-SAL-a-ry”) and because she’s working that diploma like it’s her pimp cane.

This is probably how many of our parents think the Internet works.

Spelling things out: She’ll make a great teacher.
And then she becomes a lounge singer? This commercial makes no sense, but what sells it is the girl’s utter lack of self-consciousness. She struts along and seems like she actually believes in getting your education online.

I’m not the only one who’s noticed these ads; multiple forums have variations on the “is anyone attracted to the Education Connection girl?” thread, and there’s even a Facebook fan page in her honor. We may never know her name, but every time this local ad comes on the TV, we’ll salute her for what she did to make a quick buck.

Education Connection has since put out commercials with a new girl, playing the leather-wearing rocker chick. They didn’t even change her pre-college job (she runs a hot dog stand) or the lyrics to the song; unsurprisingly, this version is forgettable. No amount of headbanging could replace the original Education Connection girl’s joie de vivre.


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