Daylyt: Drake & Kanye are "Energy Vampires" with Hot New Rappers

In this clip, Daylyt reveals that his half-brother, Bradley, has been diagnosed with Stage 4 skin cancer after going to the beach one time. When Vlad asks if there is a GoFundMe account for his recovery, Daylyt explains that he doesn't need one because he comes from money. He also insinuates that he doesn't talk to that side of the family after a traumatic childhood, but out of respect Vlad doesn't probe him for more details after he appears to be uncomfortable. From there, Daylyt talks about being a fan of the up-and-coming artist Blueface, whom he proclaims to be an elite lyricist that reminds him of Suga Free. In regards to Blueface, he mentions working with TDE and putting Kendrick Lamar and Punch on to the young emcee, yet he offered advice to "stay hot on your own" before you let the "stars suck you dry for all your juice." On that note, Daylyt doesn't mince words when he says the biggest rappers in the world are the greatest clout chasers, mentioning Drake's propensity to jump on hit records as a prime example. Daylyt also believes that Drake has yet to make a song for the people, going as far as to say that the main difference between Michael Jackson and Drake, is that MJ made music that actually mattered.


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